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quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013



Não me admira as pessoas acharem que somos loucos e que nos portamos como revoltados...O que me admira são as pessoas não terem a capacidade de assimilar e associarem e enxergarem apenas aquilo que esta diante de seus olhos...
Sim, somos loucos por uma boa causa, mas nossa loucura vai além da fronteira do entendimento desfocado da visão de alguns, nossa marra e imposição territorial esta presente nas musicas Norte Americanas, na competitividade dos times de futebol,esta no egocentrismo do atleta que busca um lugar ao sol em busca de seu premio, nunca uma dança foi tão longe como esta,nossa força bruta esta estampada em nossa face esta presente nos esforços violentos implicados de forma esportiva e competitiva do MMA,UFC,BOX e nem por isto estes que "ferem e machucam" de maneira aceitável e controlada através da "Violência" são taxado como Loucos(para ir mais além o que falar do Tai Chi chuan ou até mesmo o Kata do karatê?) nós nos provemos da força bruta com requinte artístico a fim de lançar nossos corpos em meio a catarse expressiva em busca da liberdade de si mesmo, nós não saímos por aqui quebrando o pau mas quebramos nossos próprios Egos em meio a desafios sub Humanos a fim de quebrar nosso próprios limites e provar para nós mesmos que somos capazes...Estaremos aptos a em meio a nossas caretas,mãos retorcidas, expressões violentas a extravasar nossos medos ,frustrações ,angustias e ansiedades de forma a nos libertar de forma positiva acerca de nossos demônios e acredite agradeça a nossa arte...Bem vindo ao mundo do KRUMP.

Living to Get off

Krump definition by KRUMPKINGS.COM

Krump (n) – An aggressive, emotional, and spiritual style of dance known for cutting edge dance moves and intense interactions between performers and spectators. Krumping emerged from South Central Los Angeles in 2000 as a way for dancers to express emotions and different aspects of their personalities as well as a way to cope with the stresses and pressures of everyday life in a constructive manner. In Krumping, a dancer tells a story through the voice of his or her “character” while attempting to advance through three levels of intensity (Krump, Buck, Amp). A dancer mayexpress his or herself in any way, just as long as it is authentic and organic. In Krump, there is no right or wrong way to express one’s self. It is an art form owned by feelings, not words or rules.

Don't admire me people think we are crazy and that we behave disguted… What admire me is that people don't have the ability to assimilate and join and see themselves only what is before your eyes… Yes, we're crazy for a good reason but our but our madness goes beyond the frontier of understanding of some blurred vision, our "cockiness" and territorial enforcement is present in the North American music, the competitiveness of football teams, , is the self-centeredness of the athlete who find a place in the sun in search of his prize. No other dance went so far like this one. Our brute force is stamped in our face, is present in the efforts involved in a violent and competitive sport of MMA, UFC, BOX and even for that these that "injure and hurt" in a manner acceptable and controlled through the "Violence" are called Crazy (to go beyond, what to speak of Tai Chi chuan or even Karate Kata?) We provide the brute force with artistic refinement in order to cast our bodies amid expressive catharsis searching freedom for yourself. We don't go out breaking things but break our egos, amid challenges sub human in order to break our own boundaries and prove to us that we are capable. We will be able, with our faces, gnarled hands, violent expressions, to vent our fears,  frustrations, sorrows and anxieties in order to free ourselves positively about our demons and believe, thank our art… Welcome to the world of KRUMP

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